breadpool package



breadpool.pool module

BreadPool intends to simply provide implementations for a thread pool and a scheduled executor, with easy to use interfaces and thread safety. Yes, it is a simple code to write your own implementations for these, however it can be a lot easier if they come in a pip install.

class breadpool.pool.AbstractRunnable[source]

Bases: object

The tasks that should be executed using the ThreadPool or the ScheduledJobExecutor should be of a sub class of AbstractRunnable. Extend AbstractRunnable and write the task implementation inside the execute() method.

Take a look at the EasyTask implementation of AbstractRunnable for an example.

class breadpool.pool.EasyTask(function, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: breadpool.pool.AbstractRunnable

This is an implementation of the AbstractRunnable class which accepts a function to be executed.

EasyTask allows to easily submit functions as runnable tasks to the ThreadPool or the ScheduledJobExecutor.


Executes the given function passing the given arguments and keyword arguments to the function :return:

class breadpool.pool.ScheduledJobExecutor(task, thread_pool, delay, name)[source]

Bases: threading.Thread

A Scheduled executor which periodically executes a given task. This should be given a thread pool to work on. When a task is submitted to the scheduled task, it will repeatedly, periodically execute that task using the provided thread pool.


Sets the terminate event on the scheduled executor :return:

class breadpool.pool.ThreadPool(size, name, daemon=False, polling_timeout=60)[source]

Bases: object

The ThreadPool class offers a simple Thread pool implementation for Python. It uses Python’s Queues to coordinate tasks among a set of worker threads. The specified number of threads are created when the thread pool is created, and is maintained so that they do not increase more than that number.


Adds the specified task to the task queue for a worker thread to start working on it. If any free worker threads are waiting on the task queue, it will immediately pick up this task.

Parameters:task – The task to be added to the task queue.

Returns the size of the thread pool.

Returns:The size of the thread pool
Return type:int

Waits for the task queue to finish and sends the terminate event for all the worker threads. :return:

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